
Our last day in London was the 4th of July. It was a very interesting feeling to be in the country that your own country won independence from on the anniversary of that independence  day. I tried to find an American Independence Day party to attend but didn’t have much luck. There was going to be a picnic with hotdogs and watermelon but that wasn’t until the following weekend. So, alas, we had to have our own little celebration. We both dressed patriotically, bought some famed English tea, and then proceeded to pretend to dump the tea  in the water near the Buckingham Palace while taking photos.

We went to the Victoria and Albert museum, but I think we had both had our fill of museums by this point. We wandered around some and stumbled onto a wedding gown exhibit. I got pretty excited and then realized it had an additional entrance fee that I wasn’t willing to pay. So, we wandered around some more and then headed to Harrod’s which is a department store that the very wealthy shop at. The bottom floor had all sorts of coffee, tea, chocolate, and gourmet food which could have kept me entertained for hours. We also wanted to check out the gift shop though, but that ended up being pretty touristy and cheap (I supposed I should have expected that). On our way, we passed through a room full of the most exquisite pen sets. I know what you are thinking. Pens? Really? But they were amazing. They were encrusted in jewels and some of them were perfumed! Nisheet struck up a conversation with the salesman and he informed us that a lot of the very wealthy Saudi Arabians buy presents from this store, and pens evidently make great gifts for their holidays. Who knew?

Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Pen Collection in Harrods in London

After shopping, I insisted we eat fish and chips one last time, and then we headed back to the hostel to get ready for the evening. We were going clubbing!

Fish and Chips in London

We went to the Ministry of Sound to see Dash Berlin. We saw him perform a few years ago at the Electronic Daisy Carnival in Chicago, so it was really cool to see him again in a different country. The energy he puts out is so contagious and he always puts on a a great concert. The club itself was awesome. There are several different rooms with different DJs, and the center room has a large bar that dancers (professional) dance on. And of course they have the standard aerobatic performances too. It was the perfect way to end our trip.

Ministry of Sound in London

Be sure to read our other London blog detailing the best attractions!